You Are Rich!
Matt Graves
Did you know that the global poverty line is $1.90/a day? We are tremendously blessed with material wealth in the US compared to the rest of the world. A lot of churches and ministries try to shame and guilt you for having an abundance of wealth. Some will misinterpret Jesus’ words to the rich young ruler when He tells the young man to sell all his stuff and follow Him. They’ll bring that story to this side of the cross and tell you that you need to do the same. But Jesus was addressing where the young ruler put his trust and his hope…in riches…which can never bring about salvation, or contentment. Jesus was telling the young man that He was THE WAY.
Even as a believer, it can be easy to fall into the temptation of setting our minds on the riches and temptations of material things of this world. As I mentioned on Sunday, having nice things and living comfortably isn’t condemned anywhere in the Bible. In fact, the Apostle Paul tells Timothy, in 1 Timothy 6, to “teach those who are rich in this present world…†He doesn’t condemn riches, he gives instruction on how to live with riches.
Paul also says in Philippians 4 that he’s lived in prosperity, as well as with humble means.
In both instances, he points us to the key to having riches in this present world. He said what’s important is where our contentment lies & what we do with what we have.
If our contentment lies in things of this world, we will never be fully content in this world. We are ambassadors for Christ in this world, but our citizenship is of Heaven. We are called to set our minds on things above, the place of our citizenship. When our minds are set above, then our hearts’ affections are in line with God’s desires for our lives.
In turn, our finances are directed to those desires. In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul is clear that the abundance God gives us is for good works of generosity.
In 1 Timothy 6, Paul says “Teach those who are rich not to FIX THEIR HOPE on riches but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.†I love how he finishes this passage in verse 19… â€so that you may take hold of that which is life indeed…â€
Abundant life on this earth is experienced through selfless love for others. That manifests itself in many ways, but also in our finances. When we find our finances in a Hot Mess, oftentimes, it’s because we allow ourselves to get caught up in things of this world by setting our minds on things of this world, thus allowing our finances to be conformed to this world. And it always has the effect of discontentment as a believer. But transformation through renewal can happen by the power of the Holy Spirit! If your finances are a hot mess, start with setting your mind on things above and allow Him to transform you into the GENEROUS new creation that He’s made you to be!
*If you want to take some practical steps to help change your financial situation, we are organizing a Financial Peace group to help take some practical steps towards walking in your new creation reality. If you’d like more info on the group, send an email to
Did you know that the global poverty line is $1.90/a day? We are tremendously blessed with material wealth in the US compared to the rest of the world. A lot of churches and ministries try to shame and guilt you for having an abundance of wealth. Some will misinterpret Jesus’ words to the rich young ruler when He tells the young man to sell all his stuff and follow Him. They’ll bring that story to this side of the cross and tell you that you need to do the same. But Jesus was addressing where the young ruler put his trust and his hope…in riches…which can never bring about salvation, or contentment. Jesus was telling the young man that He was THE WAY.
Even as a believer, it can be easy to fall into the temptation of setting our minds on the riches and temptations of material things of this world. As I mentioned on Sunday, having nice things and living comfortably isn’t condemned anywhere in the Bible. In fact, the Apostle Paul tells Timothy, in 1 Timothy 6, to “teach those who are rich in this present world…†He doesn’t condemn riches, he gives instruction on how to live with riches.
Paul also says in Philippians 4 that he’s lived in prosperity, as well as with humble means.
In both instances, he points us to the key to having riches in this present world. He said what’s important is where our contentment lies & what we do with what we have.
If our contentment lies in things of this world, we will never be fully content in this world. We are ambassadors for Christ in this world, but our citizenship is of Heaven. We are called to set our minds on things above, the place of our citizenship. When our minds are set above, then our hearts’ affections are in line with God’s desires for our lives.
In turn, our finances are directed to those desires. In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul is clear that the abundance God gives us is for good works of generosity.
In 1 Timothy 6, Paul says “Teach those who are rich not to FIX THEIR HOPE on riches but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.†I love how he finishes this passage in verse 19… â€so that you may take hold of that which is life indeed…â€
Abundant life on this earth is experienced through selfless love for others. That manifests itself in many ways, but also in our finances. When we find our finances in a Hot Mess, oftentimes, it’s because we allow ourselves to get caught up in things of this world by setting our minds on things of this world, thus allowing our finances to be conformed to this world. And it always has the effect of discontentment as a believer. But transformation through renewal can happen by the power of the Holy Spirit! If your finances are a hot mess, start with setting your mind on things above and allow Him to transform you into the GENEROUS new creation that He’s made you to be!
*If you want to take some practical steps to help change your financial situation, we are organizing a Financial Peace group to help take some practical steps towards walking in your new creation reality. If you’d like more info on the group, send an email to
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